Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Check out a recent photo of my handsome guys (from end of Sept '09)!

So, apparently you're supposed to blog weekly, if not daily. HAhahahaha! I know this blog is supposed to keep people updated on our lives and how Finley's doing, but I've gotta tell ya', I can barely keep up with all the changes that have occurred. Finley is already a sittin', walkin', talkin', charmin' little dude. He practically ran a marathon the other day! Ok, we were helping him, but still.

All of his 0-3mo clothes and diapers are packed away already and while I find myself excited for the things he will do, I already find myself reminiscing about when he was a tiny newborn. But, he is my constant little reminder to live in the present, a great lesson! From before the birth, he let me know not to get too attached to my plans, and even today when I was watching some of the videos we have made, he told me quite loudly that I should not dwell in the past. He said, "I'm right here now and you're missing it!" And I'm so happy to have him.

But, that said, I do want to share some of our summer. We traveled to Seattle, Walla Walla, the Pacific coast, Las Vegas and Montana, having a great time catching up with family and friends. I will add some of our activities in separate blogs so I can post lots of pics and videos. Stay tuned!

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